Sunday, June 27, 2010

COLORS Alliance! Independents Week

July 1 -7 is Independents week in Columbia MO.  This event is sponsored by COLORS Alliance, a group of people in Boone County dedicated to supporting the local community by shopping at and supporting local businesses.  Come celebrate Independents Week 2010 (appointments available July 5, 6 & 7) with a massage from me and get 25% off if you’re currently a member or become a member of COLORS!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Slow Motion

So, my Sister's wedding is on the forefront of my mind this week and I'm remembering how Dad helped me stay sane during the day of my wedding with just one saying, "SloMo".

It was my mantra for the day,
getting my hair done, slomo.
putting on my dress, slomo.
walking down the asile, slomo.
first dance.... well you get the idea.

It really helped me stay in the present moment throughout the whole day.  Writing about it is inspiring me to weave it back into my life.  Thanks Dad!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Flexible Expectations

My sister is getting married this weekend and the whole family is excited for the big day!  There is nothing like a large family wedding to give folks something to talk about for weeks, sometimes even years!  Milestone events like weddings bring expectations of gigantic proportions.  Usually there is disappointment if something doesn't go the way we think it "should" go.  I urge you to let go of your shoulds and create a more flexible attitude to the things that happen around you.  Go with the flow and be open to the experience of what is happening at the present moment.  Are you angry?  How come?  It is one of those pesky "shoulds" popping up again?

Please take a deep breath and tell that should that you don't need it anymore.  Then go back to enjoying a "should-free" life!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Simple explanation of Craniosacral therapy

There's a rhythm in the body that is separate from the heart and breathing rate; by placing your hands gently on the body you can feel it anywhere.  Therapists use this technique to discover a lack of rhythm.  By treating those areas that lack rhythm, therapists can address the source of problems rather than just the symptoms.

This therapy has successfully been used to treat headaches, neck and back pain, TMJ, chronic fatigue, motor coordination difficulties, eye problems and central nervous system disorders. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010


  All week while near Kansas City, I was searching for the local flavor.  I ended up in Zona Rosa one night, which proved to be a nice area to walk around outside, and a small park with fountains and live Jazz music.   All the shops I found were mega chains though, which wasn't quite what I was looking for.  The next night I went out to a different area and found mega chains, but no park.
  Finally on my last night I was on my way back to the State Park where I was staying and saw signs for a winery in Weston.  Only 2 miles away!  Drove to Weston and had a glass of Norton at the Pirtle Winery in their wine garden.  Walked through the historic downtown to some antique stores, got a kick out of the Mantique Store for Old Geezers, it wasn't open but there was a "display" of cast iron bathtubs, old tools, wagon wheels and picket fences in the front yard.  Weston also has Weston Brewing Company.  There was live music on the patio so I tasted their  IPAand sat on the patio.  The bar is down in the original lager cellar (built in 1842) with a vaulted limestone ceiling.  It was quite impressive and I felt lucky to have stumbled upon this town....  not a mega store in sight!
  If you like history and old towns, you would probably like Weston.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Craniosacral Day 1

  I write this post at a fancy italian restaurant somewhere near Kansas City.  I hope no one minds if I just order a glass of wine. :)

  My personal goal for this workshop is to broaden my massage practice to include children, the elderly and those who need a gentler touch than the deep tissue massages I currently offer; and clients can leave their clothes on, which appeals to some people as well.  I would also like to correct the imbalances I find in people who keep coming back to me with the same problem.

  Today I had a conversation with one woman who was finds it difficult to take care of herself as a massage therapy student, she claims she just doesn't have the time.  It reminded me of the many therapists and caregivers who end up with health problems of their own because they care for everyone but themselves.  I believe its important to take care of yourself early on, and continue to take care of yourself.  Not only is self care good for a caregiver, it also sets a good example for others; care givers and care receivers alike.  My friend Klara has started writing about this exact topic, I hope her efforts manifest into a book some day ... I want to read it!

More tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Craniosacral workshop this weekend

This weekend (Thurs-Sun) I will be attending a craniosacral workshop in Kansas City.  Craniosacral is a passive therapeutic approach used to correct imbalances in the body.  The therapist feels the body’s rhythm and addresses the imbalances by applying subtle movements to the cranial and sacral structures that allow the client’s body to realign itself.

I hope to document what goes on in class on this blog every night for the duration of the workshop, so stay tuned!  
Let's learn together!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

'Tis the season for painting your house.

This weekend I've taken on the task of painting the entryway to our house.  I want to give a BIG Thank You!  to my sister Anne for volunteering to come over and help me.   The green-grey goes well with the unfinished wood on the front of the house, and will look stellar with the deep red I plan on painting the door.
While painting, I was reminded of how hard it is on one's shoulders.  Painting with my non-dominant right hand was difficult, if not impossible.  I tried my best to use both arms evenly, but found myself subconsciously using my left hand most of the time. 
So all, if you are painting your house this season, inside or out, I would like to offer you 25% off your next massage with me!  (That's $15 off!)

Love and light!